Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


Simple EMF Probe Using INA122

October 17, 2012 By: admin Category: Analog, Detector, Sensor No Comments →

This simple circuit is used to detect variations in electromagnetic fields around us. It based on an instrumentation amplifier INA122 for Texas instrument. As sensing element, the detector is equipped with Inductor (100uH-1mH). The output is routed out to oscilloscope through a BNC connector. A 9v battery is used to power the circuit.

Laptop Audio Amplifier, LA4440

October 12, 2012 By: admin Category: Analog, Audio No Comments →

If you want to make your laptop/notebook sound louder, you can add simple Audio Amplifier like this project. Built based on IC LA 4440, the amplifier only need few passive components. This dual channel audio power amplifier has low distortion over a wide range of low to high frequencies with good channel separation. Its built-in […]

7 Watt Audio Power Amplifier, TDA 2003

October 09, 2012 By: admin Category: Analog, Audio No Comments →

This small amplifier is built based on TDA2003 IC. It can deliver 4Wrms at 4ohms. The TDA 2003 has improved performance with the same pin configuration as the TDA 2002. TDA 2003 keep maintained additional features of TDA 2002 such as very low number of external components, ease of assembly, space and cost saving.

555 TV Remote Control Jammer

October 04, 2012 By: admin Category: Analog, Miscellaneous No Comments →

If you want to watch your own TV program and don’t want anyone disturb your watching time by changing the channel via remote control, try build this simple circuit TV remote control jammer. The circuit uses 555 IC timer to generate 38 kHz signal and IR transmitting Diode (IR emitter) to transmit the signal. When […]