Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


Low Cost Universal Battery Charger

October 20, 2011 By: admin Category: Analog, Miscellaneous, Project No Comments →

This circuit allows you to transform a mains adapter in to a charger for NiCd – NiMH batteries. With selectable charge current (50mA-400mA), the charger can be used to charge cellular phone, toys, portables gadget, video batteries, MP3 players etc. Supply voltage input starting from 6.5VDC to 21VDC (depending on used battery). The circuit features […]

5W VHF TV Transmitter

October 06, 2011 By: admin Category: Analog, Miscellaneous, Transmitter, Video, Wireless No Comments →

This VHF TV TRANSMITTER can be used to transmit movies from your PC to your living room, run a college TV station, hotel cable system info pages, re-transmit the TV program you’ve never been able to receive in your valley, cover rural areas of Africa with TV signal from satellite stations and other system that […]

Telephone FM Transmitter

July 29, 2011 By: admin Category: Analog, Project, Transmitter, Wireless Comments Off on Telephone FM Transmitter

This project can transmits phone conversation up to 30 metres (100 feet) to an ordinary FM receiver. You can experiment to get greater transmission range away from the phone line by adding an aerial (about 150 cm of 26 gauge wire) to the collector of T2 (see circuit below). To use phone transmitter, you need […]

Inductivity Meter Using IC 555

July 02, 2011 By: admin Category: Analog, Measurement, Project No Comments →

The projects shows you how to build simple low cost Inductance Meter based on popular IC 555. The 555 works in its most simple rectangle oscillation configuration. In this mode, the duty-cycle should be around 50%, but this depends on the load on pin 3. Over the amplifying transistor Q1 the AC is given on […]