Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


AVR Geiger Counter

April 13, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Detector, Digital, Microcontroller, Project, Sensor No Comments →

Eirik Taylor has built a Geiger counter, particle detector that measures ionizing radiation, using microcontroller AVR ATtiny2313 as main controller. The counter could display all sorts of data based on the counts from the Geiger tube on LCD display. The raw count data can be sent directly over a serial connection to a PC, thus […]

RFID Tags Detector, RFID sniffer

March 04, 2011 By: admin Category: Analog, Detector, Project No Comments →

This simple analog electronic circuit can detect the presence of 13.56 MHz RFID tags that used by all plastic cards like access badges, bank cards, library cards, loyalty cards. Also many other objects like books, toys, or clothing that may carry RFID tags without you knowing it.

PIC Imaging Sonar

February 13, 2011 By: admin Category: Detector, Digital, Microcontroller, PIC, Project, Sensor No Comments →

This imaging sonar project uses two PIC microcontrollers, PIC16F84 for the servo control and PIC16C71 for the sonar portion. It’s equipped with two 40 KHz ultrasonic transducers, one for transmit, one for receive. These transducers are steered by an R/C servo over 180 degrees of azimuth.

Chimney Fire Alarm Monitor

January 19, 2011 By: admin Category: Alarm, AVR, Detector, Digital, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project No Comments →

Chimney Sentinel is remote fire alarm that can give a warning of fires caused by wood-burning appliances. The project uses a probe inserted in the chimney and a remote monitoring unit built based on PIC16F628. When a fire is detected, the device will sounds an alarm before smoke has time to reach other detectors within […]