Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


AVR Based Basic Calculator

May 09, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Display, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project No Comments →

The purpose of the project is to build a basic calculator based on microcontroller ATMEGA32. It uses 4×4 matrix keyboard as input device with a 74C922 decoder. This decoder generates an interrupt through External Interrupt INT0 every time a key is pressed. The result of calculation displayed on 16×2 LCD.

USB Website Hit Counter

May 07, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Display, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project, USB No Comments →

The project purpose is to build an AVR-based website total page hits counter and display it on 7-segments display instead of using only general scripts such as PHP, Java, CGI etc. The counter project consists of three main parts. First, PHP hit counter script run on website. This script will count the number of times […]

AVR Based VGA Controller

April 10, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Display, FPGA, Microcontroller, Project No Comments →

This AVR ATmega128-based VGA controller allows you to visualize images, text, lines and single pixel, on your pc monitor with a 640 x 480 pixels resolution, 64 colors, 60 Hz through USB-serial commands. Besides MCU, it uses FPGA Cyclone with a clock of 27.175 MHz to produce the synchronism signals for the video-vga and the […]

Hackable Arduino-Based Digital Clock With Animation, DOTKLOK

March 13, 2011 By: admin Category: Arduino, Display, Microcontroller, Project, Timer No Comments →

If you want to build a digital clock with unique features then check out DOTKLOK project. This Arduino-based digital clock can displays a series of unique time-telling animations. The passing of time is displayed with numbers and abstract/geometric patterns taken from classic video games such as Pong, Tetris, Pacman, and Space Invaders. The clock is […]