Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


Self Configuring and Modular LED Matrix Display

May 19, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Display, LED, Project No Comments →

The goal of the project is to build a self-reconfiguring LED Dot matrix display. It uses ATmega48 based modular LED matrix display unit, Kingbright TA20-11EWA LED matrix array, which can be chained together to form a self reconfiguring and arbitrary length LED matrix display. A head unit consisting of an ATmega168 is placed at the […]

Word Clock

April 08, 2010 By: admin Category: Display, LED, PIC, Project No Comments →

Word clock is unique digital clock that used shine word to show the time. the project is built based on PIC 16F877 and uses mains to ensure that it stays accurate. To build this project, you need to make custom PCB and make word pattern that tell the clock as etched areas. The clock use […]

Solar LED Lamp

February 19, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, LED, Project, Sensor No Comments →

This is LED lamp project powered by solar. It will harvesting the Sun during the day and charging the battery. The project uses SEPIC converter that capable of boosting or dropping the input voltage. It allows the use of a battery with a voltage close to the LED conduction voltage. The project is built around […]

RGB LED Driver With Mosfet

January 19, 2010 By: admin Category: LED, Microcontroller, PIC, Project No Comments →

If you need RGB led driver with more power check out this Mosfet RGB LED Driver project. The uses logic level ‘N’ channel MOSFETs (STP36NF06) which able to control LED arrays or lamps up to 5 amps per channel without heat sinks. The main part in this project is PIC 12F629.