Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


Autonomous Robot Vacuum

April 02, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Project, Robotic No Comments →

The project is an autonomous robot vacuum that picks up rice named as “Sir Sucks A Lot More“. The robot was built around the Atmel Mega8585 microprocessor using the WinAVR tool set. To handles telemetry and debugging of the algorithms, it uses PalmOS program. The robot is equipped with sensors to navigate around the room. […]

Metal Detector Robot

January 13, 2010 By: admin Category: Arduino, Project, Robotic No Comments →

Thunder Bird 7 is metal detector robot that able to detect metal like coins, gold, rings, or electric underground cables. The robot is built based on Arduino. With wireless camera at front top of robot, user can monitor the bots hunting the treasure from the comfort chair. The Camera is mounted to a servo that […]

Artificial Retina Based On AVR

November 24, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Project, Robotic, Sensor No Comments →

This project tried to model an artificial retina with ability of color detection, saccades, and pursuit tracking. It uses AVR AT mega 32 as main processor, servo motors for precise movements and positioning, and cheap color sensor using bare bone LED. The eye project able to detect and differentiate 9 different colors (at a distance […]

Tiny Robot Braitenberg vehicle

November 13, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Robotic No Comments →

If you are a tiny robot project fans, check this Braitenberg vehicle from tinkerlog. This tiny robot controlled by microcontroller AVR 8-pin ATtiny25V. It uses two pager motors with one transistor motor driver and LDR (Light Depending Resistor) as the sensor. It has weight only 17 grams. very light. Since it’s built only with few […]