Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


One Motor Walker Robot

June 15, 2009 By: admin Category: Project, Robotic No Comments →

If you interested build a Robot that can walk without confused with programming a microcontroller then this project for you. Jerome Demers show you how to build One Motor Walker Robot. This design is base on the principal of B.E.A.M robotics! Building simple and elegant robot inspired by insect. Since the robot build without “brain” […]

Solar Powered Mirror Bot

May 20, 2009 By: admin Category: Basic, Project, Robotic No Comments →

This solar powered artbot based on Solar Engine. The circuit consist of two transistors, one flashing led, one resistor, one capacitor. If there is a light the mirror will rotate and if no light the mirror will stop. I think, It’s nice and fun solar powered electronic project.

AVR Tiny Line Following Robot

April 17, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Project, Robotic No Comments →

This electronic project will show you how to build simple Line Following Robot. Main part of this project are ATmega8 as main processor, Six photo-reflectors as line sensor, vibration motors to drive the wheel and Two CR2032 lithium cells as power source.

AVR Robot Kit Nibo

March 16, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Electronic Kits, Robotic 1 Comment →

Nibo equipped with ATmega88 for motor-control and for distance measuring and one ATmega128 with lot of memory-space for own implementations. With five IR-reflex sensors the robot is able to recognize its environment and to detect and avoid obstacles. Therefore Nibo is completely autonomous robot and can drive independently into any direction.