Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Security System

AVR Security Keypad Lock

February 09, 2012 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Microcontroller, Project, Security System No Comments →

The Security Keypad Lock Project is a basic access control system based on ATtiny2313. It can be modified to protect just about anything. The “Code Lock” ability will allow the rightful user to deploy the platform to any property that requires simple password-protection.

Combination Lock for Home Door

July 15, 2011 By: admin Category: Microcontroller, PIC, Project, Security System No Comments →

The project shows you how to build a combination lock for your home door using PIC16F84 MCU and electro-magnetic lock. A 4×4 keypad, located outside the door, is used to enter key combination. The master combination will open the door, as well as allow programming of up to four transient combinations, the illumination duration, and […]

Home Alarm Security System

September 24, 2010 By: admin Category: Alarm, Detector, PIC, Project, Security System No Comments →

This simple, secure and cheap home security system is activated and deactivated by little Rolling Code transmitter. The security system is equipped with two sounder, internal with piezo speaker and AG8 external sounder, a microprocessor controlled external sounder with a built in strobe and rich of features (silent installation,two flash settings, optional sounder settings (multi-sweep […]

RFID Electronic Door Lock

August 22, 2010 By: admin Category: Arduino, Microcontroller, Project, Security System No Comments →

The project goal is to build an electronic door lock based on Arduino and ID-20 RFID reader. This security system consists of 3 main parts, Arduino controller, RFID tags Reader and electric door lock. The RFID reader is located outside of the door and is separated from the controller on the inside so no one […]