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20A Unipolar Stepper Driver

2:09 am By: admin Category: Analog, Control, Motor, Project

20A Unipolar stepper driver

This project show you how to build Unipolar Stepper Motor driver for high current. The driver able to handle up to 20A. The main component in this driver is L297. While the driver circuit is more or less taken from the L297 datasheet. More features from the project are : Handles a maximum of 100V, Handles a maximum of 20A, Half-step and full-step, Shuts down on overtemperature, and PMinMO-compatible interface.

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AVR based PCB Drill Machine

3:23 am By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Motor, Project, Tools

This project shows you how to construct a PCB drill machine driven by a master-controller board and three stepper motor driver boards. These four single sided PC boards each contain an Atmega16/32 microcontroller. Communication between the boards is performed using the RS485 protocol with all communication initiated by the master-controller. The PCB drill machine firmware is completely written in Bascom-AVR.

AVR PCB Drill Machine

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USB-CAN Dual Axis Motion Control System

2:59 am By: admin Category: Control, Digital, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Motor, PIC, Project, USB

This low cost distributed motion controller system consists of two units: a USB-CAN converter and a dual axis controller. The USB-CAN converter uses the PIC18F258 and a FTDI FT245BM USB interface chip to translate messages between the USB and CAN buses. While PIC18F458-based dual axis controller is kept busy implementing servo/stepper trajectory and PID calculations every 500 usec to control 2.5A/phase stepper and a 2.5A DC servo.

Low Cost CAN motion control system

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Telescope Focus Controller

6:21 am By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Microcontroller, Project

The Telescope Focus Controller was designed to allow computer control of the telescope focus position through a serial port. It also allows manual control through clockwise and counter-clockwise buttons on the telescope’s keypad. To turns the focus shaft of a telescope, The project use stepper motor to do it. The project consist of microcontroller ATmega8 as main processor, MAX232A for serial communication, and DS18B20 temperature compensation of focus position.

AVR based Telescope Focus Controller

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