Circuit Lake

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Arduino Related Resources

Arduino Based ATtiny85 Programmer

February 20, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, AVR, Microcontroller No Comments →

Sometimes, you need only few input and output from microcontroller for your project. If you use Arduino, it would be costly and need more space. For small project like infrared pc remote control, an ATtiny85 microcontroller is good solution. It has 8 Kb flash memory, 6 input/output pins, low power supply at 1.8-5.5V, small 8-pin […]

Arduino Motorcycle Control Panel

February 18, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Measurement No Comments →

This motorcycle control panel is built based on Arduino. It works as motorcycle speedometer, tachometer and gear indicator. It read pulses from bike’s tachometer circuit and reed switch senses wheel rotation. At each wheel pass it calculates wheel speed in RPM and then divides that into the most recent engine RPM. The ratio is unique […]

Control Home Appliance via Network

February 08, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Control No Comments →

ArduPower is arduino based home appliance controller via network. User can control six power outlets via telnet. If you want to control more appliances, you can add more sockets to unused Arduino pin and change few code lines in firmware. Each outlet is switched using relay with LED as status indicator.

Arduino Laser Harp

February 01, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Audio, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous No Comments →

This cool music instrument is built by SthepenHobley based on Arduino. This harp doesn’t make sound itself but generates a stream of MIDI data to drive an audio synthesizer. In other word, Laser Harp works as MIDI controller. The way it works is simple, when the player’s hand interrupts the laser beam Theremin, the photocell […]