Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

ATmega32 Related Resources

AVR Web Server And Webcam

May 25, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Project, Remote No Comments →

The avrETH1 project shows you how to connect an old cellular phone add-on camera with a 640x480px jpeg output to the internet using an ATmega32 and an ENC28j60 Ethernet controller.

Canine Epilepsy Electronic Monitor

April 22, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project No Comments →

The Doggie 911 project is ATmega32 based system that help vets or dog owners to monitor the patterns of epileptic seizures in dogs. It will logs the number of seizures, the duration of the seizures, and the time between seizures. With this data, veterinarians can give better diagnose and treatment.

AVR Phone Recorder and Telephony Platform

April 18, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Project No Comments →

This ATmega32-based project describes the implementation of a phone line audio and event recorder originally devised for technical support call center quality assurance purposes. However, it is a reasonably generic telephony platform that can be easily adapted for other applications, such as an answering machine/interactive voice response system

Digital GLCD Oscilloscope

March 17, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Display, Measurement, Project, Tools No Comments →

This portable Oscilloscope project uses Graphical LCD screen, 64*128 pixel dots (GDM12864A with KS0108 processor or other compatible) as display and Microcontroller ATMEGA32 as the processor. The project used an external ADC0820 converter chip to increase the speed.