Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

ATMega328 Related Resources

Compact Arduino Temperature / Humidity Monitor

May 02, 2012 By: admin Category: Arduino, Monitoring, Sensor No Comments →

If you want to make a handy humidity and temperature sensor then this project is for you. This mini Temperature / Humidity Monitor is built based on Arduino (Atmega 328P) and Sensiron SHT11 sensor. To display the result, it is equipped with Adafruit 128×32 OLED. The project uses LEGO shell for housing. The project powered […]

Arduino Speed Detector on Flash

September 02, 2011 By: admin Category: Arduino, Detector, Measurement, Microcontroller, Project, Sensor No Comments →

This speed detector uses two photo resistors paired with laser as a form of trip wire. The Arduino Duemilanove with an ATMEga328 captures the tripping action and calculates the amount of time between when each sensor was tripped. By dividing the distance between two trip wires with difference time value, you will get the SPEED.

Energy Monitoring Transmitter

August 07, 2011 By: admin Category: Arduino, AVR, Digital, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project, Transmitter No Comments →

This energy monitoring transmitter, known as emonTx, is an Atmega328-based small wireless energy monitoring node. It also fully compatible with Arduino IDE. EmonTx is designed to take inputs from multiple CT sensors, optically from a pulse-output utility meter and from multiple one-wire temperature sensors. The design is based on the JeeNodeV5 by Jean-Claude Wippler and […]

Sensitive Ultrasonic Range Sensor

January 29, 2011 By: admin Category: Arduino, Sensor No Comments →

If you want to build an ultrasonic range finders project but you don’t want spend much money to buy commercial sensors like Parallax’s PING sensor then Kerry D. Wong’s project may help you to build sensitive ultrasonic range sensor using inexpensive ultrasonic transducer. It takes cost less than 5 dollars (excluding the MCU).