Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

ATtiny45 Related Resources

Specific Area Message Encoding Test Generator

May 07, 2010 By: admin Category: Alarm, AVR, Project, Tools No Comments →

SAMEgen is a small test generator for the National Weather Service’s Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) coding and may find use in both development of decoding circuitry and in testing SAME-enabled receivers. SAME is used by the NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) broadcasts and the Emergency Alert System (EAS) to disseminate weather watches, warnings, and other […]

USB Wireless Temperature And Humidity Sensor

October 10, 2009 By: admin Category: Data Acquisition, Sensor, Transmitter, Wireless No Comments →

This data logger project based on firmware-only USB implementation. There are two part in this project, transmitter and receiver. The transmitter consist of ATTiny45 microcontroller, a SHT11 sensor (digital temperature and humidity sensor) and a hoperf RFM12 868 MHz transceiver module. The transmitter powered by 2 AA cells. While the receiver uses ATMega8 µC and […]

ATtiny45 USB Keyboard Caps Locker

October 09, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Project, USB No Comments →

This project purpose is locking Caps USB HID keyboard. After it plugged to USB port it will waits between 30 seconds and 8 minutes before start to toggle the Caps Lock status on or off. The Caps Locker was built on an Atmel AVR ATTiny45 based on the Easy Logger application from ObDevIt with little […]