Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

data logger Related Resources

Multi Sensor Thermometer

January 24, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project No Comments →

This project shows you how to build thermometer with multiple sensor. The project use AVR ATMega168 as main processor and DS18x20 1-Wire® Thermometers as temperature sensor. It can monitor up to 16 DS18x20 thermometers, with a variable logging rate of 5 to 9999 seconds. The data is displayed on a multi-page LCD display and send […]

Temperature Recorder

January 07, 2010 By: admin Category: Data Acquisition, Measurement, Microcontroller, PIC, Project No Comments →

The temperature recorder project uses a microcontroller PIC12F683 as main processor, a 32kBytes Serial EEPROM which can store up to 32,000 measurements and a thermistor as temperature sensor. The temperature is measured and stored at user programmable intervals with range from 1 second to 256 seconds. The time interval is set by programming it and […]

Digital Temperature-Humidity-Barometric Pressure

December 28, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Measurement, Monitoring No Comments →

This is 3 in 1 digital data logger project. You can take several measurements: Temperature, Humidity, and Barometric pressure measurements. The project use AVR ATmega8 as main processor. While humidity and temperature are sense by Sensirion SHT75 and the barometer use Intersema MS5534. Those two components talk their own language which is similar to other […]

USB Wireless Temperature And Humidity Sensor

October 10, 2009 By: admin Category: Data Acquisition, Sensor, Transmitter, Wireless No Comments →

This data logger project based on firmware-only USB implementation. There are two part in this project, transmitter and receiver. The transmitter consist of ATTiny45 microcontroller, a SHT11 sensor (digital temperature and humidity sensor) and a hoperf RFM12 868 MHz transceiver module. The transmitter powered by 2 AA cells. While the receiver uses ATMega8 µC and […]