Circuit Lake

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M16C Related Resources

Generic Finite State Machine Interpreter

February 08, 2012 By: admin Category: Control, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project, Renesas No Comments →

A Finite State Machine (FSM) is a versatile mechanism to implement sequential digital circuits. This project implements any desired FSM using the Renesas microcontroller instead of flip-flops and logic gates. The system has a PC based GUI interface where the user can represent the required FSM using a simple State Transition table or a State […]

Stair Stepper Control Adapter

January 30, 2012 By: admin Category: Interfacing, Motor, Project, Renesas No Comments →

The aim of the project is to build an interface between the user interface controller and resistance mechanism on a stair-step exercise machine. This M16C/62P microcontroller-based system gives you control over the resistance level instead of having to use one of the machine’s preset resistance levels.

Eight-Channel RF Remote Controller

January 24, 2012 By: admin Category: Control, Digital, Microcontroller, Project, Remote, Renesas No Comments →

This controller was developed using Renesas SKP16C62P Starter Kit Plus. Each remote controller is controlled via RF. There are four types of generic control: general purpose timer, sprinkler timer, cooler, and heater. Each Controller may have up to 4 stations, (the Sprinkler Timer may have 8 outputs by multiplexing the outputs). Each controller’s program is […]

Low-Cost Vision-Based IR Beacon Sensor for Small Mobile Robots

January 21, 2012 By: admin Category: Microcontroller, Project, Renesas, Robotic No Comments →

This project, named as Bsensor, was designed to overcome a difficult task for a small mobile robot in indoors environment; to solve the absolute positioning problem with few computational resources. Several methods exists, but most require triangulation from several sensors and positioning is not easily calculated as it is required that the robot receive signals […]