Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Robot Related Resources

Tiny Robot Braitenberg vehicle

November 13, 2009 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Robotic No Comments →

If you are a tiny robot project fans, check this Braitenberg vehicle from tinkerlog. This tiny robot controlled by microcontroller AVR 8-pin ATtiny25V. It uses two pager motors with one transistor motor driver and LDR (Light Depending Resistor) as the sensor. It has weight only 17 grams. very light. Since it’s built only with few […]

Arduino Self-Balancing Robot

November 17, 2008 By: admin Category: Arduino, Robotic No Comments →

This is cool robot project by Nicola. He build Self-Balancing Robot which can stand without fall. He use Arduino Diecimila as main processor. For the sensord the robot project use Sparkfun IMU Combo Board – 2 DOF – ADXL203/ADXRS401. This is a combo Gyro/2-axis-acelerometer. Of the many combinations avaiable, i’ve choosen the one with smaller […]

AVR Robot Controller 1.1

June 20, 2008 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Project No Comments →

The AVR robot controller (ARC 1.1) was designed as the base controller for a high school Mini-Sumo robot project. The controller is built around the powerful Atmel ATMEGA16 processor with 16kb of memory running at 8 MHz for an 8 mip processing speed (contrast this with a 20 MHz PIC which has a 3-4 mip […]