Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Wireless Related Resources

Wireless RF Temperature Transmitter

March 03, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Measurement, Microcontroller, Project, Sensor, Wireless No Comments →

The purpose of the project is to monitor the temperature of three compost heaps. It will send the data wirelessly to the receiver and process or display the result to PC. In the transmitter board, the project uses the TXM-433 as RF transmitter and MCU AVR AT90S4433 (you can replace it with AVR ATMEGA8) as […]

Arduino Wireless Temperature Sensor

December 03, 2009 By: admin Category: Arduino, Monitoring, Project, Wireless No Comments →

This project shows you how to build wireless temperature sensor with arduino and XBee. It uses LM 34 as temperature sensor. The project configured the radio at the sensor end to read the analog input of pin 19 every 4 seconds and to send a sensor reading packet. Both the sender and receiver radios should […]

FM Wireless Microphone

October 12, 2009 By: admin Category: Analog, Transmitter, Wireless No Comments →

This FM Wireless Microphone project has good frequency stability and has range over 1 Km (under good conditions). This project features RF amplifier buffer (10dB gain), an AF preamplifier to boost the modulation and good microphone sensitivity. You can use it for guitars and remote control system. This project quite simple to build. The two […]